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Faculty and departmental meetings for first-year students

Meeting schedule for 1st year students of courses taught in English

2nd October 2023


9:00 a.m. - Mass in the  KUL Academic Church


Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences


  • Informatics (BA degree) 12:00, WMP-118 (ul. Konstantynów 1H)


Faculty of Social Sciences


  • Journalism and Social Communication (BA degree)
  • International Relations  (MA degree) 11:00 - 12:00, CTW-114 (Centrum Transferu Wiedzy, Al. Racławickie 14)


Faculty of Philosophy


  • Applied Anthropology (BA degree) – 11:45, C-603 (Kolegium Jana Pawła II, Al. Racławickie 14)


Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration


  • European Studies (BA degree) 13:00. CTW-408 (Centrum Transferu Wiedzy, Al. Racławickie 14)

Abbreviations for building designations:

Gmach Główny (Main Building) - GG

Kolegium Jana Pawła II (Collegium of John Paul II) - C

Centrum Transferu Wiedzy (Knowledge Transfer Center Building) - CTW

Collegium Norwidianum - CN

Collegium Iuridicum - CI

Budynek Biotechnologii - B

Budynek dydaktyczny przy ul. Konstantynów 1H- WMP


Main Campus:
